Frilled Lizards live in dry forests and woodland, in the northern and north-western parts of Australia. They are often found in trees, moving easily between branches. Frilled lizards inhabit dry woodland, usually with an open shrubby or grass understory. Most of the time is spent off the ground in trees, often at a substantial height. They are well adapted to life in the hot tropics of northwestern and northern Australia and the species also occurs in Papua New Guinea. The term 'frilly lizard' is often mistakenly applied to the common bearded dragon in the southern states of Australia. The frilled lizard is found across northern Australia and southern New Guinea. the type of tree you'll find them in varies with the season They tend to choose significantly, larger trees in the Dry season, where they're more hidden and further away from danger while in a semi-dormant state. But when the build-up to the Wet season starts the lizards choose much smaller trees.